Dailynex® Animalfriend
Disinfectants for horses
Disinfection for wounds, skin, fur, hooves, hay & surfaces
-by riders for riders-
Disinfectants for horses
Disinfection for wounds, skin, fur, hooves, hay & surfaces
-by riders for riders-
The ideal disinfectant for all situations involving horses, their keeping and treatment
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We are revolutionizing hygiene & disinfection in horse keeping! Many diseases in horses are caused by pathogens in the stable. It doesn’t have to be! With Dailynex® viruses, bacteria, germs, fungi, spores and bad smells no longer stand a chance! Disinfect a complete stable in 15 minutes with a cold nebulizer, or use Dailynex® from the spray bottle to disinfect contact surfaces quickly and gently (1 minute). The strong & reliable hygiene for you & your horse as you need it, no matter what adventure you are currently embarking on!
Disinfectant for horses has never been so powerful & versatile
Dailynex® is ideal for the care of skin and hooves. Just at Mauke, thrush, & sweet itch you can with the strong effect of Dailynex® a optimal care to reach.
Dailynex® is your perfect product for wound care & cleaning on horses. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a small bullet hole, a smack or a seam. Rinse impurities from wounds easily & without burning, disinfect them & efficiently eliminate germs & dirt for an optimal result.
Dailynex® is your strong one Disinfectants for all surfaces around You & your horse . Prevent cross-contamination & smear infections by targeting surfaces & entire boxes Spores, fungi, bacteria & viruses disinfect.
Dailynex® is ideal for the disinfection & cleaning of Drinking & troughs . So let yourself be Germ and biofilms ideal prevent . You can also spray your hay without any harmful substances and thus make it fungus and spore-free.
Your benefits
Disinfectant for horses, their attitude & you
Disinfect all surfaces as you need them
Fast. Easy. Economically.
A product. Everything you need in terms of effectiveness.
Disinfect quickly, reliably and simply practically – with Dailynex®.