Dailynex® Animalfriend
Disinfectant & Grooming for Dogs.
We are revolutionizing hygiene and disinfection in animal husbandry! Many diseases in dogs are caused by pathogens. It doesn’t have to be! With Dailynex® viruses, bacteria, germs, fungi, spores and bad smells no longer stand a chance! Disinfect an entire room with a cold nebulizer in 15 minutes, or use Dailynex® from the spray bottle to disinfect contact surfaces & skin, fur, ears & mucous membranes, well tolerated, gently & quickly (1 minute). The strong & reliable hygiene for you & your dog, as well as you need it, no matter what adventure you are currently denying!
Disinfectant for dogs has never been so powerful & versatile
Dailynex® is ideal for the care of skin & coat. Especially with all problems and situations of everyday life you can achieve optimal care and disinfection with the strong effect of Dailynex®.
Dailynex® is your perfect product for the care, disinfection & cleaning of dogs. Irrespective of whether it is the snout, the mucous membrane of the ear or the eye, simply rinse impurities from areas without burning them, disinfect them and efficiently eliminate germs and dirt for an optimal result.
Dailynex® is your powerful disinfectant for all surfaces around you & your dog . Prevent cross-contamination & smear infections by specifically disinfecting surfaces & entire rooms against spores, fungi, bacteria & viruses .
Dailynex® is ideal for disinfecting & cleaning bowls & troughs . So let yourself be Germ and biofilms ideal prevent . You can also spray your feed bins and make them free of germs, fungi and spores.
Your advantages
Disinfectant for dogs, their attitude & you
Disinfect all surfaces as you need them
Quickly. Easy. Economically.
A series of products. Everything you need in terms of effectiveness.
Disinfect quickly, reliably and simply practically – with Dailynex®.